It looks like Nokia has finally come out in the open against Microsoft's slow pace of pushing updates to Windows Phone 8. While the Finnish handset giant has been churning out new handset models and updated versions of its own services and apps, Microsoft has often been criticised for not playing a very conducive role when it comes to bringing its mobile OS on par with Android and iOS.
While the Windows Phone platforms boasts of 165,000 apps, a number of major apps including Instagram are missing form the platform. New releases and variants of popular games like Angry Birds and Temple Run also arrive on Windows Phone, months or sometimes years after they release their iOS and Android versions.
A lot of software development on the Windows Phone platform is being supported by Nokia, with the company developing its own imaging software for its camera focused offerings.
Nokia must retrive their own os Symbian and develop it to compete with Android and i os. As we know Symbian series phone are a kind of smartphones unless making ios an exception untill the entry of Android .
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